FundAFID Venezuela is born
On April 5, the Foundation for Disability Assistance, Training and Research was born in Venezuela. Legally registered under Rif number: J-409634841
Start of training
The Training program began with:
Courses of Venezuelan Signs Language at Universidad Monteávila.
Talks to companies about disability and inclusion.
Human Rights Disability and Public Policies Conference at the Simón Bolívar University.
Launch of health days
The cycles of Health Days begin (evaluation and diagnosis of children with disabilities). Later, the Health Day was incorporated into “Community Health Program” by FARMATODO.
First delivery of toys
Delivery of Toys to the children of the Foundation and their siblings. Activity that takes place every year, thanks to the #Sign up as a Padrino campaign.
Incorporation of FundAFID Foundation
On February 26, FundAFID Foundation was born in Miami, Fl.
Incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization - EIN 82-4571792.
They immediately launched the Sponsorship of the Therapies, Wellness and Nutrition and Humanitarian Aid Programs.
First courses for parents and teachers
The cycle of courses and workshops for parents and teachers begins at the Belagua Private Educational Unit in Guatire.
Supporting students with disabilities.
Effective strategies to mold the behavior of children with autism.
Campaign #SomosUtiles
Launch of the first #Somos Útiles campaign. This initiative has become an annual campaign ending with the delivery of school supplies in the month of September.
FundAFID Foundation obtains IRS certification
FundAFID Foundation is certified as a tax-exempt, public charitable organization under IRC 501 (c) (3), and receives its first transparency seal from GuideStar.
YEAR END - 2018
We finished the year having sponsored 2,445 therapies and sending to Venezuela one (1) ton of humanitarian aid.
Launch #AnótateComoPadrino
This program enables you to sponsor a child with particularly critical needs. Donors can make their contribution via PayPal, Zelle or by check.
Start of the project to help most vulnerable populations
The project consists of providing physical rehabilitation and mental health for the most vulnerable population of Guatire, Venezuela.
For the Joy of Giving
First fundraising event to benefit venezuelan children with disabilities.
First Wine Tasting and Food Pairing “Cata” event organized by FundAFID Foundation.
YEAR END - 2019
We finished the year 2019 having sponsored over 7,400 therapy sessions and distributing over three (3) tons of humanitarian aid in country.
FundAFID Venezuela
inaugurates headquarters
FundAFID Venezuela opened its headquarters in the Daymar Shopping Center located in Guatire.
The facilities include office space, therapy rooms and a confortable conference room.
Launch of virtual therapies(remote)
Due to the global lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemia, FundAFID introduces virtual therapies, allowing us to continue providing necessary support while complying with the established lockdown protocols.
Food distribution
Sponsored by FundAFID Foundation and other organizations, we launched the delivery of food baskets to alleviate the emergency caused by COVID-19. We also delivered brochures with information about care and prevention.
YEAR END - 2020
Despite the limitations we face with the humanitarian emergency, we were able to sponsor 12,748 therapy sessions (including virtual modality) and we sent over four (4) tons of humanitarian aid.
Let's talk about my
godson / goddaughter
We launched the initiative "Let's talk about my godchild / goddaughter" consisting of one-on-one virtual conferences to share with each sponsor details about the evolution of the godchildren and about their most critical requirements.