FundAFID is the result of a collective initiative by a group of professionals who, moved by the critical situation faced by children and young adults with disabilities in Venezuela, decided to create an organization to address some of these realities.
Our programs and projects are developed with the objective of providing integral attention to achieve social inclusion. This perspective allows us to generate strategic interventions creating a positive impact on the communities where we work.
In 2017, FundAFID was legally created as a non-profit organization.

To improve the quality of life of people with disabilities in vulnerable situations, adjusting to the needs and realities of each of them, through therapeutic assistance, education and research, ensuring the respect for Human Rights, facilitating their inclusion in society and the achievement of the maximum degree of well-being, personal development, respect and dignity, increasing the opportunities offered to them for the full development of their potentialities.
To be the de facto reference organization in the field of Disability, recognized regionally, nationally and internationally for its excellence and reliability.
An organization with the will, capacity, experience and commitment of its members that contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families.

Impartiality: It ensures that all people with disabilities, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion or any other factor, receive equitable care and therapeutic services.
Humanity: It treats with consideration and dignity, recognizing the importance of addressing physical, emotional and social needs, providing a safe, inclusive and respectful space in which they can develop and reach their full potential.
Neutrality: Fundafid does not take sides in any political, military, religious or ideological conflict and provides therapeutic and humanitarian assistance impartially and without bias, regardless of external circumstances.
Independence: It Maintains autonomy and the ability to make decisions based on the individual needs of the beneficiaries, operating independently and free of political or economic influences, thus guaranteeing the quality and effectiveness of the therapeutic services and humanitarian projects developed.
"FUNDAFID", located in Guatire, in the Municipality of Zamora (Edo. Miranda Venezuela) is made up of professionals in Psychology, Nutrition, Therapists and Specialist Teachers, Social Workers and Food Safety Promoters.
We carry out our work through three lines of action:
We provide and manage therapeutic, health and nutrition care to children, youth and adults with disabilities and their families, through comprehensive - personalized programs.

Assistance to children and youth with disabilities, and their families through language therapy, psychopedagogy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychological and family therapy and nutritional care.
Health and wellness sessions, in alliance with Farmatodo and other health entities, the Red Cross of Venezuela and specialist doctors.
Attention to the most vulnerable communities through psychosocial support provided by a team of social workers.
We develop an extensive program called "Shared Knowledge", to strengthen the family, school and work-social environment of children, youth and adults with disabilities, in order to promote their inclusion processes in these areas.

Talks about Inclusion and Diversity, and Human Rights of people with disabilities, to educational institutions, companies and the community in general.
About nutrition and Venezuelan Signs Language (LSV).
To teachers and parents of children with disabilities, curricular adaptations and training for entrepreneurship and empowerment of mothers.
We distribute the donations we receive nationally and internationally, including medicines, food, protein supplements, diapers, technical aids and other supplies.

Since its inception, FundAFID has created a support network. Through these connections we have been able to extend our reach and benefit more people.